Reporting Requirements

Reports should include the following information:

  • The total number of dogs or cats that were spayed or neutered using the Petrie grant broken down by cat spay, cat neuter, dog spay and dog neuter
  • The total number of dogs or cats that were spayed or neutered using the Petrie grant broken down by feral/community cats, owned animals and animals in your organization’s adoption program
  • The total number of dogs or cats that were spayed or neutered by your organization during the grant period, regardless of the source of funds
  • The county or counties in which you served animals using the Petrie grant
  • How the spay/neuter was performed: by a private veterinarian, a mobile spay/neuter clinic, a spay/neuter clinic, or in-house.
  • If you do not provide the services in-house, state the average cost per procedure type and what items are included within the cost. For example, if a veterinarian charges a $50.00 flat fee to neuter a cat, what does the flat fee include?
  • If you provide the services in-house, provide the cost for each type of procedure, including medications, supplies, vaccinations, and staff time.
  • Provide an accounting of how the Petrie funds were actually utilized. For example, we paid veterinarian X this amount to perform Y cat spays and Z dog spays, or we purchased this list of surgical supplies, medications, etc., at this cost.
  • If you had a specific goal in the grant request, state whether the goal was reached.
  • Although it is not required, pictures and stories about the animals and the people you have helped are always welcome.
  • Any additional information you want to share about your organization or its work is appreciated.

The report should be e-mailed to and mailed to 501 Eastowne Dr., Ste. 130, Chapel Hill, NC 27514.

A confirmation of receipt of your proposal will be sent to the e-mail address from which the report was received.


You are required by the terms of the grant to provide us with a report containing the information requested.

Reports on the use of funds awarded in the previous grant cycle are due no later than midnight on September 1st annually.

If your report on the use of funds awarded in the previous grant cycle is not received by September 1st annually and no extension of time has been approved, your grant proposal for the new grant cycle will not be considered.

Requests for an extension of time to submit a report should be submitted by e-mail to

A response to your request for an extension of time will be sent to the e-mail address from which the request was received.